Institutional Membership

In addition to individuals, ACUNS provides for institutional memberships. For ACUNS, institutional members signal connection and credibility as it approaches governments, foundations and other organizations with new proposals for funding, program support, and other forms of cooperation. In this way, institutional memberships bolster the organization and the services it provides to its members.

ACUNS institutional members include university departments and centers, think tanks and research institutes, nongovernmental organizations, private businesses, and other organizations interested in advancing scholarship and dialogue about the UN and issues of international concern.

The benefits of becoming an ACUNS institutional member as well as the process for joining the organization are listed below. As of January 2021 and the establishment of ACUNS as an independent nonprofit organization, memberships extend for one year starting from the date the necessary fees are paid. In addition, membership rates have been completely revised and are now based on the location of the headquarters of the institution registering for membership. 

We invite you to join the ACUNS community of scholars and practitioners by completing the necessary institutional registration form accessible via the button below. Please note that the individual who will submit the institutional registration must be willing and able to serve as the “Primary Representative” of the institution to ACUNS.