Gabriel Amvane has served as a legal officer over ten years in the areas of UN peacekeeping,
human rights, and migration and refugees law. He currently works at the French ministry of
the Interior. He also serves as a consultant to the Council of Europe on trafficking in persons
issues. Dr. Amvane previously worked with the Permanent Mission of the Gabonese Republic
to the United Nations from September 2010 to December 2011. At the time, Gabon was a
non-permanent member of the Security Council. He also worked for some French NGOs on
Migration and Refugees law. Prior to becoming the Secretary of ACUNS, Gabriel Amvane
served as the Vice President of the Organization from June 2019 to June 2022, after joining
the Board of Directors in June 2018.
He holds a master’s degree and a Ph.D. in public international law from the University of
Lorraine (France). His dissertation focused on “Peacekeeping in Africa by the UN and the
African Union.” His areas of research and expertise include: international peace and security,
the United Nations and regional organizations, human rights and refugee law. He has also
published books and articles, both in English and French, including: “L’Efficacité du maintien
de la paix en Afrique par l’ONU et l’Union africaine” (L’Harmattan 2020); “International
criminal justice: strength or threat to state sovereignty?” (Australian International Law
Journal, Vol. 27, 2020); “United Nations Peacekeeping and the Developing World,” (Swiss
Review of International and European Law, Issue 4, 2018); “Intervening pursuant to Article
4(h) of the Constitutive Act of the African Union without a UN Security Council
Authorization?,” (African Human Rights Law Journal, December 2015).
Gabriel Amvane