Call for Host Proposals
ACUNS is currently calling for proposals to host the 2022 ACUNS-UN Workshop. Any university or institution engaged in scholarly research on international organizations or global governance is eligible to submit a proposal. If you are interested in having your institution serve as host, please complete the Host Proposal Form by clicking the blue button. Further information about the workshop and the call for proposals is available below. Proposals will be accepted until 1 December 2021. For any questions, please contact the ACUNS Administrative Coordinator at
About the Workshop
The ACUNS-UN Annual Workshop on International Organization Studies is developed in partnership with the United Nations Office of Human Resources (UNOHR) to bring together scholars and practitioners in the early stages of their careers. The workshop encourages new directions and ideas in the analysis of international affairs and policy issues. It provides an opportunity for scholars to test their findings with practitioners. For practitioners, it is an opportunity to consider the implications of their work in the larger context of international institutions and governance scholarship.
Founded in cooperation with the American Society of International Law (ASIL) in 1991, the Annual Workshop was created to meet a core purpose of ACUNS: to connect scholars and practitioners and deepen their collective understanding of the UN system. Since its founding, the workshop has established and strengthened contacts between scholars in law, politics, and other academic disciplines with individuals who work in the UN system. In this way it contributes to the development of scholarship and teaching in the international law of international organizations. A full listing of past workshops, indicating their locations and themes, is available at
Host institutions are asked to select an overarching theme or subject focus for the workshop. Themes can cover any international issue that connects scholars and practitioners. They also typically relate to research or projects associated with the proposing institution. A list of past workshops and their themes is accessible on the general ACUNS Annual Workshop webpage.
The purpose of the Annual Workshop is to bring early career scholars and practitioners of international affairs together for cross-disciplinary dialogue and to forge strong professional ties. The workshop typically involves 15-20 participants, half of whom are scholars at academic institutions and half of whom work in the UN system.
Eligible UN staff members are selected by ACUNS in partnership with the United Nations Office of Human Resources (UNOHR). Applications by staff for participation are initially coordinated through the UNOHR. Applicants should be early career practitioners engaged on the thematic subject matter of the workshop. Approval for travel granted by the applicant’s supervisors is typically necessary.
Early career scholars are selected by ACUNS in partnership with the host institution. Doctoral students and junior level faculty whose research interests are connected to the thematic subject matter of the workshop are eligible to apply. Applications are submitted to ACUNS for processing and selection. One or two participants are typically from the host institution.
Duration and Structure
The Annual Workshop typically takes place over the course of 7-9 days, including weekend arrival and departure days. The central objective of the workshop is for participants to share and obtain feedback on draft written work that they are developing on the workshop theme. The majority of the workshop consists of presentations by participants of their work followed by discussion and feedback. All participants are asked to provide the drafts they will present at least one week in advance of the workshop.
In addition to participant presentations, workshops typically include a keynote address by a senior scholar at the host institution whose research is tied to the workshop theme. Participants also have one-on-one meetings with the workshop host institution Director for a personalized discussion about their presentations, career interests, and goals.
Participants are granted ample time to socialize throughout the week and to explore the city where they are located. Host institutions typically organize a welcome reception, a farewell dinner, and one or more additional social events during the week.
Benefits of Hosting
Hosting the ACUNS Annual Workshop provides multiple opportunities for institutions, including the chance to:
- Introduce your institution and programs to individuals selected for their promise as leaders in practice or scholarship in the UN system, global governance, international law, and international organizations.
- Interact with scholars and UN officials from around the world.
- Have host institution staff and faculty participate in the workshop as speakers and participants to share work, exchange ideas, and network.
- Increase the visibility of your institution throughout the global ACUNS network.
ACUNS asks the host institution to designate an individual to serve as one of two “Directors” of the Annual Workshop. The second Director will be appointed by the ACUNS Board of Directors. Together, the two co-Directors work with ACUNS and host institution staff to organize the workshop. The host institution Director should be a senior scholar whose research interests connect to the selected workshop theme and who is willing and able to devote the time necessary for preparing this event. The host institution Director also typically organizes individual meetings with all of the workshop participants during the event for a discussion of their presentations, written work, and career goals. The ACUNS Director works in close collaboration with the host institution Director, helps with event preparation, and participates in the workshop.
Funding for the ACUNS Annual Workshop is provided by the host institution and by the UNOHRM. The host institution typically provides:
- Accommodations (including breakfast) for up to 20 participants (~US$100/person/per night for 8 nights).
- Travel for up to 10 non-UN participants (~US$1,000/person).
- Coffee and snacks in the morning and in the afternoon during the work-week.
- Lunches during the work-week.
- An opening reception the Saturday or Sunday prior to the work-week.
- A farewell dinner the Saturday after the work-week.
- Meeting rooms and technology support.
UNOHR typically provides:
- Travel for up to 10 UN staff participants.
ACUNS is not in a position to provide funding for workshop participants, but covers the travel and accommodation expenses for its Director and staff involved with organizing the event.
Host Proposal Process
Institutions interested in hosting the 2022 ACUNS Workshop should complete the 2022 Annual Workshop Host Proposal Form accessible via the blue button above. Prior to completing the form, the proposed institution Director should prepare a written proposal of no more than 1000 words that indicates (1) the proposed workshop theme on an issue of global governance or international organizations and (2) the advantages of addressing the theme at the host institution, including location, networks, and personnel. The application form will ask for the host proposal to be uploaded in PDF format.
In addition to the proposal, the form asks for the CV of the proposed host institution workshop Director to be uploaded in PDF form, as well as for indications as to what the host institution will be able to fund (participant accommodations and travel, welcome and farewell receptions, meeting rooms, etc.).