Dr. Alice Atieno Oluoko-Odingo is Associate Professor in the Department of Geography, Population and Environmental Studies at the University of Nairobi. She holds an Honors undergraduate Degree in Geography, and Master of Arts and Ph.D. in Agricultural Geography, from the University of Nairobi. She has published extensively on agricultural and food security, poverty and livelihoods, climate change, energy, gender and disaster risk reduction, ecosystem management, agro-biodiversity, health, cleaner production, and sustainability issues in such outlets as African Review; the International Journal of Scientific Research and Management (IJSRM); the Journal of Sustainability, Environment and Peace; the Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology; the International Journal of Hydrology; African Journal of Sustainable Development; International Journal of Agriculture Innovation and Research (IJAIR); HEKIMA: Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences; Annals of the Association of American Geographers, and elsewhere. She is one of the founding members of The Maasai Mara Science and Development initiative (MMSDI). She has held a variety of leadership and organizing positions at the University of Nairobi, the Great Lakes University of Kisumu, St. Augustine R.C. Secondary School, United Nations University, and the University of Massachusetts Boston. She has worked with UNEP on sustainable consumption policies, and at the IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre on gender integration and disaster risk reduction. Dr. Odingo previously served as Deputy Chairperson of the United Nations University and Partner Universities “Education for Sustainable Development in Africa, Next Generation Researchers” programme, and as an elected Board member of the global Association of Women’s Rights in Development. She is fluent in English and Kiswahili, and speaks some French.